Saturday, 1 December 2007

Starting out, again.

Well, long story short, I've a new pc and am diving back into online gaming. Primarily in WoW and Imperian, an IRE MUD. This little thing is going to be an idea memoir and will hopefully add a little direction to my flounderings in pk/pvp.

I've a couple of goals for myself. Get Nevore (NE Hunter Sporeggar-EU) to 70 and Nevore (Lorekeeper/Mage soon to be Druid) to 80... Oh, and become a pvp God with both of them!

Have G15, will gank I guess.

WoW pvp is a doddle compared to Imperian, which involves a large amount of coding and/or money in order to enter the top tier. Anyone who's interested should head over to and check it out. Fair warning, it's a textual game that's a lot more roleplay involved than WoW... Player base is smarter though by and large which is always a plus.

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